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Social sharing tips
Talk about any way you have been touched by suicide or your experience with mental health and how important it is to speak up before a mental health emergency happens. Optimal length: 3-5 frame story set and/or a vlog.
Call to action
Subscribe to the series to watch all the stories as they come out (see the link my bio) (swipe up / tap the link in my stories)
Call to action
What you can say

There is a new animated series on YouTube called My Life is Worth Living and it tells the stories of average teens struggling with their mental health.

Just like me and you, they are all fighting the negative voice in their head. It’s okay to need help. Ask for help! Share your story!

We all need help fighting off that negative voice sometimes. Your life IS worth living.

This series tells the stories of those who struggle with suicidal thoughts the most: LGBTQ teens, teens who have been (sexually) abused, teens who get (cyber)bullied, teens who face trauma and depression.
examples of other influencers
@masondenverr To watch this incredible series, please check out the link in my bio @mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention
♬ original sound - mason
@phaithmontoya To watch this incredible series, please check out the link in my bio @mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention #mentalhealth
♬ Claire de Lune - Ave Maria
@mdmotivator See my page for more info on this series @mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention #motivationmonday
♬ original sound - Zachery Dereniowski
@officialxmookie See my page for more info babes ❤️@mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention
♬ original sound - mookie
@ria_d3miri See my page for more info on the series @mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention #mentalhealthmatters #fyp
♬ original sound - ria_d3miri
@claraandherself To see more of this amazing series, please check out their page @mylifeisworthliving ##mylifeisworthliving ##suicideprevention
♬ Stories 2 - Danilo Stankovic
@masondenverr To watch this incredible series, please check out the link in my bio @mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention
♬ original sound - mason
@phaithmontoya To watch this incredible series, please check out the link in my bio @mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention #mentalhealth
♬ Claire de Lune - Ave Maria
@mdmotivator See my page for more info on this series @mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention #motivationmonday
♬ original sound - Zachery Dereniowski
@officialxmookie See my page for more info babes ❤️@mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention
♬ original sound - mookie
@ria_d3miri See my page for more info on the series @mylifeisworthliving #mylifeisworthliving #suicideprevention #mentalhealthmatters #fyp
♬ original sound - ria_d3miri
@claraandherself To see more of this amazing series, please check out their page @mylifeisworthliving ##mylifeisworthliving ##suicideprevention
♬ Stories 2 - Danilo Stankovic
find the assets here:
You will
save lives
Thanks for your interest in being part of sharing this with the world!
By helping us share this series, you never know whose life you might save.
We know how busy you are and that this isn't the only thing you do, so we have made some assets to make it easy for you to share about the series. Please feel free to use any of the assets below to share. Feel free link to this website or tag us on our social profiles.
If you feel comfortable sharing your experience that parallels the stories of the characters in the My Life is Worth Living™ animated series, it will be even more powerful and could save someone's life.
These stories of connection are worth telling!
These lives are worth saving!
find the assets here: